const form = document.getElementById('questionform');
const input = document.getElementById('question');
const answerDiv = document.getElementById('answer');
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const question = input.value.trim();
if (question !== '') {
// Call the API to get the answer and guidance based on the question
fetchAnswerAndGuidance(question).then(response => {
answerDiv.innerHTML = `
function fetchAnswerAndGuidance(question) {
// Make an API call to your backend with the provided question
// and retrieve the relevant answer and guidance based on the question
// This code snippet is just an example and needs to be replaced with actual API call
// You can use any backend programming language to handle the request and generate the response
// For example, using Node.js with Express to handle the API request:
// const express = require('express');
// const app = express();
// const port = 3000;
// app.get('/answer', (req, res) => {
// const question = req.query.question;
// // Generate the answer and guidance based on the question
// const answer = generateAnswer(question);
// const guidance = generateGuidance(question);
// res.json({ title: '', answer: answer, guidance: guidance });
// });
// app.listen(port, () => {
// console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`);
// });
// In this example, the `generateAnswer` and `generateGuidance` functions would be implemented
// to generate the appropriate answer and guidance based on the question
const dummyResponse = {
title: '行业解答与指导',
answer: '这是一个示例答案。根据提供的问题,我们需要更具体的信息才能给出准确的解答和指导建议。',
guidance: '请提供更具体的问题描述,包括所涉及的行业和具体的关键词。'
return Promise.resolve(dummyResponse);