Sales Assistant 销售助理
- Can I help you? 我可以帮您吗?
- What size are you looking for? 您需要什么尺码的衣服?
- Is there a particular style you're interested in? 您对某种特定款式感兴趣吗?
- These are our latest arrivals. 这些是我们最新到货的款式。
Customer 客户
- Do you have this in a different color? 这个款式有别的颜色吗?
- Could I try this on, please? 我可以试穿这件衣服吗?
- Do you have any recommended accessories to match this? 有没有推荐的配饰搭配这件衣服?
- I'm just browsing, thank you. 我只是随便看看,谢谢。
Payment and Checkout 付款和结账

- Will that be cash or card? 现金还是刷卡?
- Do you have a loyalty card with us? 您有我们的会员卡吗?
- Your total is $50. 这是您的总金额是50美元。
- Would you like a receipt? 您需要收据吗?
AfterSales Service 售后服务
- Our store offers a 30day return policy. 我们店铺提供30天退换货政策。
- If you have any issues with the product, feel free to contact us. 如果您对产品有任何问题,请随时联系我们。
- Thank you for shopping with us. We hope to see you again soon. 感谢您光临。希望能早日再见。